Herd Immunity Interview of Dr. Rensimer

Posted on May 8, 2021 in Blog | No Comments

Podcast and Full story of Dr. Rensimer on Herd Immunity. Full Herd Immunity Story Herd Immunity Podcast Credit: Cliff Saunders News radio 740 KTRH

On Listening, The Ultimate Medical Tool

Posted on Nov 26, 2019 in Blog | No Comments

I open the door and enter the exam room, with usually one or two seated strangers facing me. “How do you do? I’m Dr. Rensimer.”, shaking their hands. Immediately I sit, to be at eye-level, most often 4-6 feet away. With my sheet of paper down and pen in hand I start, “Tell me your […]

Dr. Rensimer’s Personal Statement: Cognitive Medicine/Diagnosticians

Posted on Sep 19, 2018 in Blog | One Comment

INSPIRATION I have often been asked, “Infectious Diseases, how do you get to a career like that? What brought you to it?”  Over the years I have reflected on this and the answer is both personal and, I think, an interesting story on how one, by following their passions and inclinations, can end up in […]

Rabies: Tragically, It Happens… And Is Preventable

Posted on Jan 18, 2018 in Blog | No Comments

The Orlando Sentinel reported that a 6 year-old boy died after physical contact with a bat in his home. Link to the Story HERE Critical facts from this report, 1. Most rabies in the U.S. is related to bats. The bat was in this home a couple weeks, at least. Any bat in a home […]

KTRH Flu Story

Posted on Jan 16, 2018 in Blog | No Comments

Dr. Edward Rensimer was featured in a story done by KTRH about the 2017-2018 flu season. Click HERE to view the story.

Rabies Risk Action Plan

Posted on Jan 9, 2018 in News & Information | No Comments

Where Do I Start? If you are reading this, you likely are concerned that you or a loved one has been exposed to the rabies virus. I will not reiterate the basic science of the virus, animal reservoir/vectors, modes of transmission, disease manifestations and course, prognosis, and preventive options. All that information is easily obtained […]

Post-Hurricane Harvey Commentary

Posted on Dec 9, 2017 in Blog | No Comments

As expected, per my article in The Houston Chronicle on 9/4/17, tests of flood water from Hurricane Harvey are suggesting that the water is not clean, probably due to contamination by human waste and water treatment facilities. This water cannot be ingested without medical risk unless treated first by mechanical filtration of particulate matter and […]

Post-Hurricane Harvey Medical Risks

Posted on Dec 5, 2017 in Blog | No Comments

Edward R. Rensimer, MD, FACP was featured in the article Post-Hurricane Harvey health risks- and what you can do to diminish them on Chron.com over the weekend and then in the Houston Chronicle on Monday, 9/4/17. He wrote about the potential health hazards related to flood waters and other dangers after the storm has passed […]

Exotic Disease Post-Travel Overseas or…..?

Posted on Nov 20, 2015 in Uncategorized | No Comments

On July 25, 2015, a 69 yr-old man in reasonably good health for his age called as he arrived at Houston Intercontinental Airport. He had just gotten into his car and was headed in our direction. “Can you see me today? I’ve just returned from a dove-hunting trip in outback Argentina, and I’ve been sick […]

Healthcare Reform: A Private Practitioner’s Perspective

Posted on Oct 13, 2014 in Blog | No Comments

Healthcare Reform: A Private Practitioner’s Perspective The Decline and Fall of the American Medical Profession Abridged Version I am a 63 yr-old self-employed medical specialist who has practiced internal medicine (one aspect of primary care) as well as the specialty of infectious diseases since graduating medical school in 1975. My experience includes 40 years caring […]

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